"Yoga Extras" Resources for the week of: Fri 4/13-T 4/18
I am creating these "Yoga Extras" blog posts for those of you resonating with the public yoga classes & Yoga Teacher Trainings I am...
"Yoga Extras" Resources for the week of: Fri 4/13-T 4/18
"Yoga Extras" Resource for the week of F 4/21-Tue 4/25
"Yoga Extras" Resources for the week of: Fri 4/7-4/11
"Yoga Extra" Resources for the week of: Fr 3/31-T 4/4
"Yoga Extra" Resources for the week of: Fr 3/24-T 3/28
"Yoga Extra" Resources for the week of: Fr 3/17-T 3/20
"Yoga Extras" Lives Here Now! (For the Week of: Friday 3/10-Tuesday 3/14)
What is Pain? (From, Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay)
I’m Back—The Weird* Knowledge Project
More About Me & My (Love) Offerings...
The new reiki: It's not just for hippies anymore
Light Beings & The F.L.U. Virus (Frequency Light Upgrade)