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This week in yoga

The playlists, readings & extra, surprise off-the-mat resources

For the week of:

Whether or not it is clear to you, the universe is unfolding exactly as it should. --Anne Ortlee, Predictive Astrologer

The weekly classes I guide are themed according to collective energetic "weather," which is a combination of how humanity, in large part, is feeling/being in the moment, which is influenced by many things of course, but in large part, the movement and placement of celestial bodies ie: the sun, moon, planets, stars, etc. You can find me teaching currently at Black Swan Yoga (North-Anderson) in Austin, TX. I am on the schedule as "Erika K." Mention this webpage for a free class.

July21st-26th, 2022

The theme for the week: JOY IN THE MIDST OF BEDLAM. The energetic weather for the week has qualities: deep feelings, letting go, vulnerability, new beginnings stirring. 

July 14th-19th, 2022

The theme for the week, boiled down: LETTING GO. That phrase bothered me for yeaaaars. It's an abstract phrase & I had no clue what it really meant or how to go about "letting go." The video below contains one of the BEST explanations I've ever heard. I hope it's as illuminative for you & it has been for me. Love, e. 


03rd, 2022

The theme for the week: BIG SHIFTS/CHANGE. The energetic weather for the week has qualities: new beginnings with the energy of the new moon (inevitable letting go to create space).  

August 4th -9th, 2022

The theme for the week is BREAKTHROUGHS for both the collective as well as for us individually. Can you feel it? Do you see it in others? I sure can (both). The astrological weather & collective energy can feel tough/disruptive this week, like, more days of the week than not. I almost feel squeezed, literally, by atmospheric pressure. It's showing up personally in bad headaches and heavy, almost sad feelings, squished right up against feelings of excitement for life & inspiration--a strange combo. If you're feeling odd to say the least, you're not alone & factors greater than us are contributing. You're not nuts! Included here are some super interesting quotes (a few on the definition of breakthrough) from the being who started EST/Landmark Education. Coming from him they are not surprisingly, surprisingly layered, unusual & interesting. I hope you enjoy sitting with these as I have. xo  

August 11th-17th

This is a week all about ILLUMINATION! Starting today with the fourth and final "Supermoon" (also call Sturgeon Moon) of the year. This moon is rather close to the earth & many of us can feels its effects. We are also experiencing the waning energies of the "Lion's Gate" portal where life on the planet is experiencing the effects of the line up between the earth, the sun, the star Sirius and the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. I certainly don't understand it all. I'm just interested--a curious beginner. I can say, however, that I myself am experiencing the repeat personal insights, Aha's & illuminations that such phenomena purports. I'm also watching how it is revealed in the many I encounter during the week out in life, in the many public classes I teach all week & the folks I see in my private work. With those dear beings especially I am witnessing evidence of the deepest personal questioning & transformation from the smaller personality self to the High Transcendent Soul Self (who we really are outside of cultural conditioning). Very, very exciting!

August 14-21st

This week: The SUN continues to reveal secrets as well as demand our attention, therefore ILLUMINATION continues with a personal & collective call to ACTION to step into the light, aka: have you had an 'Aha' moment? BREAKDOWN/BREAKTHROUGH/INSIGHT that requires you to make a forward-moving decision into new possibility? It's easy to see how this is all playing out in current world and political affairs, but how about for YOU specifically? Many are telling me about moves, break ups, major job/career change, pregnancies, accidents, dying car engines, etc. The secure, power position for the modern mystic/waking being/lightworker is to stay OPEN open open to what life is showing us. "Turn your head away from what is dying," and actively appreciate our current gifts. Self-care (including extra sleep, play and potentially, therapeutic support if a high amount of shadow is keeping elusive such things. Finally, enjoy the podcast to the right; Anne Ortlee has been a favorite (predictive) astrological reference for years. Lots to learn from her! 

August 24th-31st

The theme for the week is CHANGE. What was illuminated over the past couple of weeks, required action on our parts to activate, is now revealing itself in changes in both the collective and our personal lives. On my end, I've been ill in bed for a week now after a second round with the virus & seeing as I didn't get a chance to develop last week's theme using the weekly playlist and readings, I'll be using those for this week.  
What changes are you beginning to witness around and within you?

August 31st-SepT 7th 

The theme for the week is REFLECTION & embracing charged-feeling blocks or obstacles. The astrological week is supposed to be much more gentle (phew!!!) after our few past weeks of the sun's influence on illumination, action & change (at times uncomfortable and even downright painful). Since so much has happened as of late, we have a week to REFLECT back on what has taken place, including an astrological phenomenon called a "Finger of God" which can feel like quick explosive shifts or revelations. Revelations including shadow or secrets exposed. A truth has been spoken & there is no ignoring it without consequence. Speaking personally, I have felt all of this BIG TIME (& without mincing words, it's felt like shit quite frankly). How I'm interpreting this: after all that has been illuminated & revealed, am I being true to my Soul's knowing (often leads to a less-safe-feeling path forward) or am I going to give in to that old Archetype of The Prostitute who sells their soul for safety? Sidenote: There are no wrong choices, but there ARE consequences to any choice made--). These questions initially scared the crap out 0f me until I calmed down enough to remember that the power is in the softening (literally...relax, meditate, be still), being where my feet are (present!) & relaxing away from resistance (ie: becoming more friendly and less hostile toward what life is presenting). This is the posture of wisdom, so say the wisdom traditions. We will not be handed answers. As Rumi suggests, we must (get to) live our way into the answers. 

Poem for the week:

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it, (and embrace them).



Sept 4-11, 2022

With the influential qualities of Virgo alive & well this week is a good time to prep ourselves, organize, clear out all the extra, unnecessary clutter in our homes, our schedules, our bodies (yoga, etc) minds (breathwork/meditation/affirmations/mantra) & hearts (forgive someone on paper or face to face). & how about the spirit? Have you considered creating for yourself a sadhana: a daily morning practice including all of the above with the addition of journaling after reading what you may consider a sacred text?  Change change change is happening & the lighter our load, the smoother our paths. Having extra clutter-shit (made up word) ;) in our lives is a sure way to open the door to overwhelm, slowed progress and feelings of anxiety. Planetary and cosmic energies continue to speed up & we need a lighter vehicle in order to not only keep up, but to have the space for all the gifts that are on their way.  

Sept 15th-21st, 2022

In the last official few days of summer, the full moon in Pisces is barely behind us, so instead of being in the growing light of the moon, we are experiencing greater darkness in the night skies.  I've been exploring new sources of info on how the celestial movement above us affects our earthly lives. What the writers of Cafe Astrology (see full text to the right, or below on the mobile version) are saying: After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week's Full Moon, we disperse our knowledge, coming to a point when we need to sort out what works for us-and what doesn't. This is in preparation for next week's New Moon when something new is born once again. 
Can you place this anywhere in your life? I freakin can. I find it wild how difficult it can be to release old sources of comfort that we know are no longer working for us. God bless us for just trying to self-soothe in a life that can feel scary and overwhelming at times. I also wonder what gifts await us when we create that vacuum in our lives by releasing dead old weight. The universe loves and seeks to fill a vacuum!

 The brilliant poem for the week! 

P.S. I heard (& felt) several times this week folks say how it felt like they were walking around in a dream, or were feeling foggy and out of it. Know that solar flares were especially high and can affect how we feel. Start to learn about this by watching live activity on the space weather site above.   

Sept 22nd-27th, 2022

Welcome Autumn on the 22nd. Welcome a new moon and a new chapter in our lives beginning on the 25th. Time to sweep away the last of the debris we no longer wish to carry forward with us into this new time. 
Mercury continues in its Retrograde position so be on the lookout for miscommunications. There is also an astrological phenomenon called a "Finger of God" occurring this week--this consists of fated events taking place and "Aha" or "Wow" reactions to these revelations in our culture and personal lives. May our yoga practice this week prepare us for all that is coming and going, shifting and birthing. 
Also, Deepak Chopra will be in town soon for those of you interested. The tickets are affordable. They run from about $39-$139 (the higher prices are front section seats). The Long Center contacted me due to my company's work in the holistic wellness community and asked if we would help them spread the word. I have no financial affiliation with this event. I am simply passing an exciting opportunity on. xo

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Sept 29th-Oct 5th, 2022

This week's theme: Committing to change, preparations for said change & recommitment to one's own intuitive lens/knowing (IE: IT'S TIME TO TAKE OUR POWER BACK). 
Lots is happening on this big blue planet of ours. According to some Western and Vedic astrological sources there are some intense cosmic pockets this week and we are also approaching the end of Mercury Retrograde where communication is said to clear up.
Earlier this week, however, I talked with an old teaching colleague. From the convo we were both reminded that any answers or guidance we are seeking never come from the outside. Not from astrology, not channels, not Tik Tok, not large religious or spiritual bodies. And most definitely not any news source. WE are the "channels" that receive the guidance that is meant only for US. Period. If a radio dial isn't tuned to its proper receiving frequency or if a phone or Zoom connection is interrupted by static, freezing or other interference, the message can't be clearly relayed or received. Our bodies, our own bio-technology work similarly. 

Every week I create classes that help support the clearing and strengthening of our body-phones or body-radios, if you will. But yoga asana, some breathwork/energy work a few times a week is but a beginning. Can you feel it inside of yourself, that a great deal of us are being called to expand? To not only add these cleansing and strengthening elements to our everyday lives, but also to release what we might be engaging with regularly that is jamming the frequencies/clogging the pipes. Moral of the story: IT'S TIME TO TAKE OUR RIGHTFUL POWER BACK. *see video for more.

October 6th-12th

This week's theme: APARIGRAHA: "Non-grasping"--opening up to the greater mystery, & possibility. Is there more to life beyond what the outer eye can see?

We've got a full moon in Libra/Aries on the 9th, though astrologically speaking, the skies are much more calm this week and Mercury is no longer in the retrograde microwave (heehee) which SHOULD make communication issues more smooth here on earth, YET, the solar flare activity has been high and intense (multiple flares and many of those flares are intensly strong). If you're paying any attention to world news it's hard to miss both the natural and manmade chaos. Now I'm just one person watching and feeling into life events, but as a natural intuitive & lightworker my gut feeling backed by study re: such things is that there is a connection between these flares and the chaotic activity bouncing around the planet. If you're curious about how space weather affects us wee earthlings, see the video. Lastly, and most importantly, what do you see besides the chaos of massive flooding, droughts, earthquakes, hurricanes, political upheaval, financial systems teetering, and protests? Are you also witnessing and feeling the coming together of masses of people gathering to help one another, to find more humane ways of living and loving one another as well as our shared earthly home? Darkness illuminating light and light illuminating darkness? I'm left thinking about the parable of the two tigers in the room. Which one grows? The one you feed.
Happy fall and high holy days that many have been observing. xo

October 13th-19th

 According to some western astrological sources we've got quite a wild week ahead of us. Last week's full moon kicked off a 6 week period of eclipse season on the "nodes of fate." Several larger astrological phenomena are also adding to the wild. These include what is called a Finger of God, a Hammer of Thor, a Pluto stationing (intense transformations) a Mars Neptune square and a grand trine in air. Mercury also continues to clear his retrograde shadow. If you keep up with world news, several countries are feeling great tension; in our own we continue to sit in a seat of change awaiting the next January 6th trial as well as upcoming elections. It's a time to take great care, change the habits that are keeping us from cleanly shifting into our next chapter. Follow your heart, trust the larger plan that is unfolding for us and our planet. What stories are we telling ourselves about ourselves, our lives, the fate of humanity and the planet? WE apply mental meaning. Make it what you want. It's a good time for daily gratitude lists (in your head or on paper) and to relax into the power and solace of our hearts. I almost loathe writing that because it sounds trite. Cheesey. But if you know, you know.


“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

― Albert Einstein

Oct 20th-26th 

Eclipse season is here. Click here or on the round "eclipse" button to get a bit of general information on what an eclipse season could signify for you and the world at large. There is an intensity in the cosmos, a form of "good stress" like a wind at our backs pressing us onward and toward our highest state of being. Old ideas are showing themselves for what they are: old. Outdated. Have you had a moment in your life when asked: am I living MY life, or someone else's idea of what MY life SHOULD look like? You know, the ole "work, achieve, work, achieve, live some 'American Dream', pay taxes, work some more, take a too-short weekend, and do it again. And again. And again. Ad infinitum. I'm not saying I want to change anything. Well, sometimes I want to, and I have in many ways shifted my life in a different direction. But even more important in my mind and heart these days is to find magic right inside of the life that is revealing itself to me in the moment. These days I remind myself daily to just BE in my life right now. Don't wish myself better or anywhere else than where I am. The wisdom traditions tell us that the way to struggle is this: push things away or beg for them to near. The way out of struggle: appreciate our lives EXACTLY as they are, RIGHT NOW. I've re-shifted into this mindset over the last couple of weeks and I am way far from perfect at it, but when I do make this shift, the result feels good. I'm curious to hear from anyone who tries this shift out. How did it go? More in the video. With love, ek. 

Oct 27-NOV 2 

As I write this (Oct 25th), the New Moon Solar Eclipse in scorpio is piquing. I can feel it. I've been cleaning the house and organizing paperwork like mad for hours after a night of not sleeping. Last night a tornado warning was issued for north Austin and the sky was strobing with irrepressible lightning. The wind rocked my car as I drove home from teaching; it sounded like a fast paced train racing around the house once I got inside. Also, early voting opened (the main election itself falls on another eclipse!). It was almost like the approaching of the first eclipse of eclipse season wanted to announce its entry grandly. And so it did. If you'd like to read up on what this partial eclipse is said to be opening for us all, hit the yellow button. & if you're curious to hear of some personal stories/examples of the impact of these energies, see the video.* I believe that any personal story has universal application & my hope is that what I share can help throw some light into a possible pocket of shadow you may be experiencing on your own path. & finally, we are continuing with grounding as well as heart opening (including immune system support) as this astrological season can be so energized that some may experience what feels like frenzy, anxiety (which can cause some to feel ungrounded and scared, therefore one closes their heart which weakens the Self in a time when strength is our best ally). & finally, finally, we are being asked to let go of old relationships to ideas, memories, people, ways of being, etc. but remember, from the highest vantage point, this is FOR OUR BENEFIT. Grieve. Feel. Try not to numb out entirely right now in order to let what needs to pass through, pass through. The universe loves a vacuum and will fill it. Just watch,  <3 Big Love. e

Above: This is a list of quotes by poet/prophet/mystic, Rilke. The one for class this week is the 10th one down.*


NOV 3rd-Nov 9th

Astrologically & energetically speaking, it's an intense week. I wonder how you feel when you read that. Are you like, "Oh crap." Intense does not mean good or bad. YOU say what is "good" or "bad" in your own world. This eclipse season we are currently in is intense overall. I myself have experienced incredibly positivity in my own life these last few weeks.
This is a season of releasing and change. Profound transformation.  If you are experiencing pain due to the loss or releasing or letting go of something or someone in your life, I welcome you to feel exactly what you are feeling AND consider that the intelligence of the universe is removing something in your life that is/was taking up the space that something that you, on the deepest of levels inside of yourself, are desiring. I am the peaceful, loving, resilient person I am today precisely because of the many, many seasons of challenge, pain and loss that I have experienced.   

A note from one of my favorite western astrologers re: this week:
A very crazy week ahead as eclipse season unfolds. The next 3 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavens. Sun, Venus and Mercury form three separate Hammers of Thor with retrograde Mars out of bound in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces as the business end of the hammer. They will knock out whatever is preventing or blocking you from your dream. Sun, Venus and Mercury also dive into the South Node of Fate and release, release, release. Your Leo, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Virgo ruled houses all let something go. Eclipses bring encounters with fate. Fated events happen this week.  Saturn is direct and moving forward, away from Uranus. The moment for changing your habits has arrived. For the past year and nine months, Uranus and Saturn's square has been urging you to change your life. Time to go for the dream. Think back to February 26 and his retrograde June 6 to see Saturn resume those stories. Juno is on a world point so we'll be asked to partner with our lives in new ways. stations direct so we are clear about our partnerships. We feel the Saturn so he's VERY featured in the eclipse energy.. We can go through it or we can grow through it. Choose growth!   

NOV 10th-Nov 16th

Here we are continuing to sail (or crawl, or limp) our way through eclipse season, the sign of Scorpio with strong aspects in the sky such as Mars (ie: the god of war) in Retrograde. What the heck does any of this even mean? I certainly don't know. I'm a beginner, learning. Some of my larger studies currently are archetypes, or human patterns. Some might even call these labels (at first glance at a stranger one might think: he's a "nerd,"  or "slob;" that lady has got to be a "teacher" or "academic," or "mom,"--just look at her mom-jeans. Astrology to me is simply another way to observe the word through a mystic's lense, seeing in wholes rather than parts. We have season's don't we? Different times of day depending on where the sun is? If we are a part of the natrual world, and we are, wouldn't we too follow patterns? Part of my own archetypal make up must be that of the mystic as this is simply the natural way I have viewed the world since I was a little. :) Looking for patterns for me is like standing back and looking at a work of High Art--I like to take the whole thing in. Sure I can walk up closer and stare at a detail, but I much prefer to see what's going on in the big picture.  And speaking of which, this is, in my view, what is meant when you hear others talk about waking up, or an awakening, people waking up from being metaphoricallyt asleep-- our consciousness is evolving, as everything does. More silvers are poppping up on my head by the day it skin, my body, all evolving.  

Not only the outter stuff though, as time has moved on I find my mind much more present and still. I am at peace in thisweird world in a way I've never been before. Peace is a higher state of consciousness than angst, for sure. And we are all arising. Moving from the first floor of our lives higher and higher where our view widens. 
Fall is a darker time of year and just as the trees must drop their leaves to make room for what is to grow in spring, we too are letting go in our own ways. I wonder how this is showing up for you. If you're looking to get intentional about it, there is a time of accelerated energy on the 11th (Friday). 11/11. I've provided a link to learn more   as well as an opportunity to observe this time in community guided by a friend and colleague who is a talented angelic medium. I am a provdiding a link to another event; long-time yoga practitioner Jason Levitt will be leading a Nauli workshop (tap the flyer for link/ info). I've been teaching for a decade and I've seen him in my classes for that long at least. He has a curious and passionate mind & I expect this to be an interesting event and the only of its kind I know of currently. I have no affiliation with either event, just wanting to pass some good things along... xo.



NOV 18th-Nov 24th

As Eclipse Season winds down, the sun, Venus & Mercury sit within the south node of fate--fated events are said to take place at this time. This is a time to release, release, release; many are saying goodbye to old habits & according to several western astrological sources, it is a strong time to do so. Scorpio season ends around the 22nd (Tues) & ushers in the season of Sagittarius. A new moon & chance for new beginnings will reach its peak around 5pm Austin time on the 23rd (Wed). See links & vid for more (as well as a gift offer for 2 of you!) Lastly, see last week (above) for info about an interesting sounding workshop that a long-time student is hosting. I have no affiliation with this, just passing a good-sounding thing along. 

NOV 10th-Nov 16th

NOV 10th-Nov 16th

*Video Correction: Abraham Hicks refers to our 'Trifecta of Intentions' as humans as Freedom, Growth & Joy. Not Experience, but Freedom. 

NOV 25th-DEC 1st

Eclipse Season has come to a close! We are in a lighter energy as the new moon visited us the day before Thanksgiving. It's a time for renewal and looking forward. We are keeping the sequence similar to last week's with lots of twisting/releasing to help lighten our load after a holiday traditionly filled with eating, drinking, family and FEELINGS! 

DEC 2ND-8th

The placement of Mars & Venus in the sky is said to have influence over the dynamics of our personal relationships. & the primary relationship is with the s/Self. If you are feeling overwhelmed this week by overthinking, perhaps the reading this week will provide you some wise solace as it does me. I am also seeing many individuals struggling with old family dynamics post-holiday. When I see this I think of what Ram Dass once said about returning home to see family--to paraphrase, he had said that never had he experienced a more intense fall from what felt like great enlightened heights as he did upon returning home to visit his immediate family. His point: if you want to experience the true testing ground of where you are in your spiritual evolution, see how you behave and with the folks who have known you the longest (and that you have the oldest of stories with). This can be tricky territory!
May we all be ever gentle with ourselves this season of holy days. Sending great buckets of love to you all. ek


DEC 9th-15th

Theme for the week: Your Purpose & Resistance. 

Astrological influence for the week:

The final full moon of the year visited (visibly close to red Mars, a phenomenon known as an occultation) on Wednesday Dec. 7th. Full moons hold a completion energy (and can have us feeling sometimes squirrely and wild energies akin to anxiety and overwhelment. I myself did not sleep as this moon approached and piqued-a common byproduct of such lunations. The final full moon for the year yielded some closing energies making room for new beginning energies. See the astrology links for specific details and do yourself the great favor of listening to the podcast I linked (Oprah)--suuuch great insights about the resistance each of us experience when we are on the threshold of a new breakthrough!
Love ya'll. e.


DEC 15th-21st

We have new beginning energies here to support us at this time. As a new year approaches, it's the classical out with the old and in with the new. These may just sound like words but damn they're getting more seriously essential as awakening energies on the planet are putting the squeeze of a vice grip on us if we are continuing to live a life that is not ours; one that is perhaps encouraged by the conditioned ideas of culture/whomever we once tried to please with our behaviors. We won't be able to get away with this old behavior much longer. The ascension energies will not support it. It's time to drop the mask. Drop the dreams that are not ours. To drop the values that are not ours. Your soul is unique, meaning ONE, with NO copy. You are here to live into YOUR unique truth. If something, anything, is robbing you of your peace, your ease, it's a strong sign that whatever that is ( a relationship, some people-pleasing or culture-pleasing behavior that is NOT supported by your soul's call). Time to drop the weight that is causing drag and cruise/fly forward toward YOU & YOUR mission here. *See this older Super Soul podcast for an outstanding explanation of what is the soul & why we are here according to one of the countries best spiritual teachers, Gary Zukav. 


DEC 23rd-29th

As I write this we are smack dab in the middle of the winter solstice & all of its wild, new beginning energies. To add new on top of new, tomorrow (Friday Dec. 23rd) we have the New Moon in Capricorn. It is also the season of advent aka the season of light where many are acknowledging--in their various ways--the holidays (or holy days). The podcast I included here is one of two I mentioned last week, besides the one I posted. The one here I included for several reasons; for one, it exemplifies the idea of the authentic voice vs. the false (part of last week's theme) in a potent way. Also, the hosts of the podcast talk about it being the "MOST time of the year" as opposed to the "most WONDERFUL time of the year." There's an old 12-step saying: "expectations are premeditated resentments." My prayer for us all is to be kind and gentle to ourselves in moments of lots of feels & to practice accepting every present moment for exactly what it presents. Ha! maybe that's the real holiday present. An old Lit major can't resist a cheesy pun/double meaning. Wishing you all blessings in these light and dark filled holy days. All is happening for the benefit of our expansion-- if we can open our hearts even a wee bit to that idea.  

IMG_2549 (1).jpg

DEC 30th-Jan 3

We're closing another yearly chapter this week & moving along to the next. I know when I was younger I had big expectations about what New Year's Eve should like, & then how much I was going to change, for the "better" in the year to come. After a few years of failing to stay committed to resolutions, I've eased up on myself. I can't even hear the word expectations anymore and not hear the whole cliche about them being premeditated resentments. Years ago I went through a time of participating in plant medicine ceremonies. One year I was in a shamanic ceremony & after drinking more plant medicine than I have ever in my past, my expectations about my experience literally stopped energy from moving inside of that ceremony and I felt nothing. NOTHING. The entire ceremony. After having sessions that the shamans called "the optimal psychic experience."  

I equated the situation to drinking half a gallon of vodka and it having zero effect. That just doesn't happen. I learned a couple of big lessons from that. 1. True ceremonial Plant Medicine is energy medicine, it is not a drug. Two, strong expectations can act like a foot on a brake in our lives. So I've eased up on the expectation thing. I find myself more and more over the years in communication with the larger invisible forces of the universe (call it prayer, call it High Thought, call it what you will) that I remain open to whatever Divine Guidance leads me in the direction of the most beneficial and benevolent outcome for myself and all life. & that I continue to meet the universe half way by doing my earthly part by taking inspired action after receiving the guidance. Whatever your New Year's ways and means, may they be blessed. Into the next chapter we go. xo ek 


Jan 6-11,2023

As I write this we are hours away from the full moon in Cancer piquing. This is a time of high emotion & intuition; it's a good time to pay attention to whatever presents itself today & the next few days. We are also in a Mercury Retrograde so this can add a bit of extra energy that may feel unstable. Ground, ground, ground to find stability & to manifest whatever lessons are trying to integrate within each of us. 
Full moons are times that reveal completions & completions can provide a thrust forward into new beginnings. We are also at the very beginning of a new year. Time to get on some new s*it! (That is mention, not use...😂). See the podcast for what I feel like is a strong/wise alternative to setting resolutions. 
Blessings to you all at this wild time of endings & beginnings. I like to remember that this is in fact a friendly universe & ALL is happening FOR our benefit. Even Einstein believed so. 
Love ya'll. xo ek


Jan 13th-17th


*Click the image "Have You Ever Tried to Enter the Long Black Branches" for the whole gorgeous reading from this week's classes. 

This past week we've had several high class (some, the highest there are) solar flares leap from the sun toward our planet; when this happens many of us feel it. We all, as bio-photonic (light) beings essentially download this light as information the way a computer upgrades regularly. Sounds great, yes, AND, it can also cause many uncomfortable symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, nausea, feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, anxiety and body pains. This week we will be lifting our energies to help welcome and integrate these new programs of light AND to celebrate our ascension in consciousness as sentient beings. We learned in the Yoga Teacher Training this week that Yoga is a liberation practice, so let's use it to help ourselves shed the false dense layers (fear, apathy, shame, etc.) that are not of our Higher Selves in order to make room for more of those qualities closer to who we really are: resiliency, luminosity, easefulness, blissfullness, child-like playfulness & wild authenticity. Love ya'll! xo ek 

Jan 20th-24th,2023


Weekly theme: Lessening suffering (increasing freedom) through lessening effort. A class based on Patanjali's (the "father of Yoga") Sthira-sukanasanam. *See screenshots. 

This week we have the first New Moon of 2023; it resides in the sign of Aquarius. Want to see what that may mean for your particular sign? See the link here or tap the white square on this page. We are also officially, according to the Chinese calendar/zodiac, moving into a whole new energy: last year was the year of the Water Tiger, and now as we edge toward the end of January, we are entering the year of the Water Rabbit. If you're curious to know more, scroll up about 3 or 4 weekly themes to the first week of January and see the Tiger/Rabbit link. 
I'm also sharing with you here a video of one of my favorite teachers & her friend/colleague/favorite astrologer. Even though we have just moved into the sign of Aquarius, we are fresh out of Capricorn season. Capricorn represents government & if you're feeling unsettled by what you're seeing on the news these days, you may enjoy this larger scope explanation of what it is we all are witnessing. The symbolic forrest must burn in order for the land to be re-seeded with new life. Yours in our journey toward greater & greater freedom. xo ek


Jan 27th-31st

Weekly Theme: Soften...what doesn't bend, breaks. 


FEB 3rd-7th,2023

Intense energies in the cosmos with a full moon on the 4th (Sat) & several planets moving direct. Issues in our lives are moving toward resolution so we can move forward freely. 

That said...what are some ways we might be able to support that process. 

Weekly theme:
Lessening Suffering (Acceptance of what IS, that we cannot control/change &.gentle re-strategizing to tip the scales toward our freedom)

Practicing asana (the shapes we make with our bodies) is to practice presencing, to accept reality as it is, to find the middle ground between aversion & attachment. Sutra ("thread of wisdom") 2.48 in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is as follows: Tato Dvandvanabhighatah--"thereafter, one is not disturbed by the dualities." 

Some things are easier said than done. I can attest to that for sure. I think some old samskaras (energetic wounds/scars) got hit inside of me this past week and I experienced feelings of anxiety for a few days in a row. I did my best in the moment to apply all of my tools, aka: self care strategies, some eased the intense tension, some only let go with time passing. 

Glennon Doyle's podcast (see pic/link) topics have been coinciding with mine for quite some time (collective consciousness anyone?!). The past two weeks have been especially on point and filled with practical helpful strategies to get free. Highly recommend!

Sending you all love on this wild, interesting, fun, confusing and at times pain & beauty-riddled journey--thanks for walkin' it with me.   xo ek



FEB 10-14,2023

Weekly Theme: Shifting Perspective/Focus/Attention


Physical Focus: Twists (Leveraged & Unleveraged)


The planetary movements all around us are encouraging energetic shifts. Think of the way a plane ride feels at a high speed, wheels still on the runway vs. the take off into the air and leveling out at cruising altitude. Life, in its various ways, may feel like this at points in the week, encouraging shifts in perspective/focus/attention. 

FEB 17-21st,2023

Weekly Theme: Practice Leaving the Old World Behind/Creating our Realities


Physical Focus: Thigh Away From Pelvis/Hip Openers (the "emotional seat of the body")


Lots-a-happening on our little blue planet these days. It feels, to me at least, increasingly important what we are observing & the interpretive lens through which we are translating it. Is the world falling apart? Yep. Is it creating itself anew? Yep. And we as the co-creators of our realities get to choose which wolf we feed, so to speak. Remember that old little parable of the two inner wolves living & fighting inside of a person? The question is: which one

wins? The answer: the one you feed. It really seems to be that simple. & the soul is simple. The human mind likes to complicated matters, but the soul is the designated driver of us spiritual beings having a human experience. 


On this page this week you will find a link to space weather if you are curious about some of what is affecting us earthlings this week. You also may be curious to check out a brief interpretation of what Monday's New Moon in Pisces holds for your individual astrological sun sign. 


Wishing each of you ease & adventure on this, our shared mysterious ride.   

xo ek


Geomagnetic Storm Watch (Category G2).png

FEB 24-28,2023

Weekly Theme: Twising to Strengthen Resilience/Bloom


Physical Focus: Autonomic Nervous System/ Physical twists 


Click the image above for a link.

Thank you, friend. 

MAR 3-7th,2023

Weekly Theme: Stress & Presence 


Physical Focus: Twisting to Open the Heart (& emotional center, ie: hips)


MAR 10-14th,2023

Weekly Theme: Coming Back Home to Our Selves.  


Physical Focus: Heart Opening/Twist Variations


Simply put, March is wild. Many of you have been feeling it already. It's time we start making our way back to our True Selves. We are not hateful, competitive, greedy, cruel & exclusive by nature; we pick that false stuff up along the way to experiment with what we are not. To use it to expand our hearts. We are not meant to hold on to it. Hold on and be dragged. 


Easy does it on any chemicals we are putting in our bodies especially drugs and alcohol. These will lower our energy considerably. Eat clean real food. Clean up our minds and hearts. If you're feeling like you're being dragged and beaten up, look at what you are holding onto that you are not. 


In service, love ya'll, 


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